Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Calobrace Spa in Louisville, KY

Last week I had the pleasure of attending an open house at the gorgeous new Calobrace Spa in Louisville, KY. I have never seen a more gorgeous state-of-the-art facility as they have and I learned a lot about the various procedures that they do there. I even got a heavenly free hand massage there.

If you're thinking of having any sort of cosmetic surgery done and you live in the Louisville, KY area, I highly recommend this fantastic place and it's kind, caring, and highly-skilled surgeons, Dr. Bradley Calobrace and Dr. Nana N. .

To see their beautiful website, go to

Thursday, September 24, 2009

What things keep YOU young?

As a therapist and as a human, I've always heard lots of people talking about how to head off old age. I guess people are just afraid of the unknown and when we see older people who seem to be not getting around well or are complaining that "growing old isn't for sissies," it just makes people uncomfortable. So...what can you do? Well, actually there are quite a few things you can do! Not that you can stop or even slow down the clock, but you certainly can make it less painful and more fun! Here are some of the things that I do:

1. Get some kind of exercise every day! Even on a rainy day like today, I walk my dog 5 or 6 quick times. While I'm out I try to notice all of the positive things I like about my neighborhood like the people, the flowers, the trees, and even people's cars!

2. I'm always listening to my favorite music and it keeps my endorphins pumping! When I feel good, I know that my immune system is improved and I'm less likely to get sick.

3. I try to eat a healthy diet each day. Not to say that I don't eat some pizza or ice cream every now and then, but on the whole, I love fresh fruits and vegetables and I love salads a grilled or baked lean meats.

4. I love to spend time with my friends and I look forward to it every week-end. Thanks to Facebook, I've recently connected with lots of friends from childhood and college and it has really brought back some wonderful memories. Friends will keep you young!

5. I keep a strong spiritual connection, not just by going to church but also by praying multiple times daily and asking God to show me how I can be of service to others and how I can best use the gifts I have been given to make the world a better place!

I honestly believe that these things keep my younger as most people don't think I'm in my 60's and that I ride a racing bike regularly through Seneca and Cherokee Park! I also do weight training and aerobic exercise at Milestone Fitness Center here. What are some of the things that YOU do?

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

What IS 86,400?

Imagine there is a bank that credits your account each morning with $86,400. Every evening whatever part of the balance you fail to use during the day is deleted. What would you do?
Draw out every cent and use it well, of course!!!

Each of us has such a bank - Its name is TIME. Every morning, it credits you with 86,400 seconds.

Invest the day's deposits well, or the loss is yours.
How could you bring the most contentment, happiness and benefit to yourself and others?

The clock is running.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

What is your favorite way to stay young?

For most of my life, people told me that I didn't look my age. A few people tell me that now, but not quite as many! I do think that genetics has a lot to do with how youthful people remain. When I was married in 1971, people thought that Charles and I looked like kids even though we were 23 and 21 respectively. The others in this picture are my younger siblings.
I believe that a person's attitude to life and their fellow earthly citizens plays a large role in how gracefully they age? How are YOU doing? What are some of your secrets to staying young?
Have a great week next week! ALICE

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Having fun keeps you young, doesn't it?

Break The Rules,
Forgive Quickly,
Kiss Slowly,
Love Truly,
Laugh Uncontrollably,
And Never Regret AnythingThat Made You Smile.
Life May Not Be The PartyWe Hoped For,
But While We're Here, We Should Dance...
THIS is SCOTT WADE. Check out what he does with the dirty cars by carefully and artfully removing portions of the dirt. According to his website, he lives real close to a dirt road in San Marcos,Texas....

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Benefits of Age

I was just thinking that we all prize youth so highly and yet age also has tremendous benefits. I know that personally, I would trade the wisdom that has become a highly prized gift, for any amount of youth, smooth skin, beautiful hair and boundless energy. At 60 I still feel amazingly energetic and when I look in the mirror most days, I don't feel too bad about what looks back at me.

Unfortunately, advertizers and beauty product creators would have us believe that unless we look "young" we can't really look beautiful. It seems like a commonplace to say "beauty is only skin-deep" and "beauty is on the inside" but really, I think beauty and youthfulness can't hold a candle to wisdom. And that only comes with age. Your opinion?

Friday, December 26, 2008

Could Music Be a Path to the Fountain of Youth?

We live in a culture that really values youth and youthful faces, bodies, and interests. Every year, people spend thousands of dollars on surgeries, products, physical trainers, and special foods and diets so that they can look younger and cheat old age and even death. Why the obsession with beauty and youth? I believe that as we age, we look back to our youth with longing and wistfulness; we think of things we did and didn't do. We think of our first loves and our unrequited loves. We wish we could go back in time with the benefit of what we know now, but of course, we can't. If ever there were such a thing as a time machine, however, it would be music! You know how you feel when you hear music that you danced to in high school, or the music that was popular when you fell in love for the very first time.
Social scientists have studied the phenomenon of people in their "senior year" who are put into an environment of, say, 40-50 years earlier. They walk straighter, see and hear better, and generally feel better! So what does this say? Well, you can't redecorate your house in the style of 50 years ago, but you can certainly listen to lots of music from that era. I'll include an excerpt of some of my favorite music from high school! Enjoy!